DimensionsXR is an open access journal. All manuscripts are peer-reviewed and proceeded with high efficiency and rapidity. The journal is indexed in a very efficiency way which give strong visibility of the publications. All submitted manuscripts should be original and must not be under consideration by any other journal. The journal is publishing 4 types of publications:
Letters – are usually opinions, comments of readers or responses of authors to comments. They are published free of charge and are not reviewed, nor censured. Nevertheless letters which contains abusive terms going outside of accepted scientific practices or totalitarian symbols are rejected for publication.
Featured articles – recognized experts in the field of Extended Reality and 3D Computer Graphics are invited to publish articles with high scientific impact. These articles are free of charge, but peer-reviewed.
Full paper – are articles by researchers working in the field of Extended Reality and 3D Computer Graphics or sciences related to these areas. Unlike other open access journals we are not strictly academic centered. We believe that large part of research now days is done in the industry, in small and medium companies or from free lancers. We are confident to give possibilities to these actors to publish results and to contribute to the extraordinary development of the digital domain. Thus we are contributing to the democratization of the science but in strict academic format. Our major criteria for acceptance is the scientific quality of the manuscript.
Full papers are peer-reviewed. Article processing charges (APC) of 499 CHF (TTC) are paid once the manuscript is accepted.
Conference proceedings – We are kind to host proceedings of conferences in the domain of Extended Reality and 3D Computer Graphics, for a competitive APC and could also sponsor partially or completely such publications. Please contact us for more details. All papers of the proceedings are peer-reviewed.
Title should be informative, descriptive, and reflecting the main scientific results. It is preferably to avoid adjectives such as “modern”, “advanced” as well as abbreviations and non common symbols.
Authors should be individually identified by full names. The corresponding author should be indicated if different from the first author. Affiliations where the work was carried out should be clearly indicated with full names. Current address for correspondence could be also included if different from the affiliation. If authors are freelancers or have no affiliation, they may indicate home address or other address for correspondence.
The abstract should contain the main results on the paper and should be made as informative and comprehensive as possible. Abstract must be self-contained. Abbreviations and non common terms must be clearly explained in the abstract. References have to be avoided. The abstract length should be maximum of 300 words.
We are flexible on the overall structure of the article, which should be adapted to any specific work and type of publication. Nevertheless we recommend using common pattern such as:
Motivation for the article should be clearly indicated somewhere in the Introduction, but could be also a separate section. Images figures and tables should appear in the text as close as possible to the place they are first cited. They should have explanatory caption on the top or bottom.
Original data are accepted and will be made available as Supplementary Material. We are also accepting videos which should be linked to our Youtube channel.
Manuscripts should be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society TVCG journal format described at http://junctionpublishing.org/vgtc/Tasks/camera_tvcg.html