Jain Ananya
Ananya (Jane) Jain and Ankit Kukadia are founders of FullCircle LLC, a technology startup for mental health in Atlanta (teamfullcircle.org).
Ananya is a final year materials engineering student at Georgia Tech and will conduct her research as a swiss government funded scholar at ETH Zurich; previously at the Wyss, Harvard.
She is a TEDx speaker, whose first patent was awarded by the President of India, Dr. Kalam.
The Royal family in the UK have bestowed the “Diana Award” upon Ananya and FullCircle for their work with innovating global scalable solutions for mental health.
Ankit Kukadia

Ankit has co-headed the team that was selected to represent Asia to Elon Musk at the International Hyperloop Pod Competition organized by SpaceX. He is a TEDx speaker and received his Masters from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT, Madras), India.
Ananya and Ankit are staunch advocates for mental health, and have been featured in the BBC, Forbes and other media in South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and other countries.
They now lead the different divisions of FullCircle in Atlanta and India respectively.
- Fullcircle’s website https://www.teamfullcircle.org/
- Ananya Jain @Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ananya_Jain4
- Linkedin’s:
Jane: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ananya-jain-gatech-edu/
Ankit: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ankit-kukadia-fullcircle/
FullCircle: https://www.linkedin.com/company/biomimackets/?viewAsMember=true
Open talks chapter 1
Day 2 – Session 7 – October 29th