Inhabited information spaces: a landscapes for the senses

This presentation explores the work of EPFL’s Laboratory for Experimental Museology, a transdisciplinary initiative at the intersection of imaging technologies, immersive visualisation, visual analytics and digital aesthetics. eM+ engages in research from scientific, artistic and humanistic perspectives and promotes a post-cinematic multisensory engagement using experimental platforms. Our research explores the ways in which mechanistic descriptions of database logic can be…

BECOMING OTHER: Virtual Embodiment, blurring the Self-Other Binary

The research presented in this talk explores the impact that virtual reality and virtual embodiment technologies have on the distinction between ‘self and other’. Do VR and virtual embodiment have the capacity to reevaluate this gap, blurring this binary? The work presented here aims to evaluate these technologies in the ever-evolving relationship between technology and the self. From Narcissus’s pond,…