Research in XR
- 08:00 GMT - 09:00 GMT
- Rexcel Cariaga
- Session 6
Developer’s Perspective: AR/VR Content Creation using a low-powered computer
In light of the COVID-19 crisis and work from home recommendations, virtual and augmented reality applications help train employees in various industries while working from home. There are already a lot of VR and AR apps in the market that will assist work from home employees. But from a developer’s point of view, they need a high-powered computer to create VR and AR content. Is it possible to create VR and AR content if our employees (or is it even possible teach students AR/VR development) if they not own high-powered computers that need to run high-powered software (such as Unity or Unreal Engine)? This talk will discuss the different strategies and possible options to create VR and AR content using a low-powered computer in the comfort of your own home.
- 09:00 GMT- 10:00 GMT
- Marc Pollefeys
- Session 6
Computer Vision, Mixed Reality and Spatial Computing
This talk will discuss how computer vison is the key to enable many aspects of Mixed Reality experiences. We will in particular take a look at the computer vision technology build inside HoloLens2 to enable both natural user interaction and spatial computing capabilities.
We’ll also see how by building on these technologies Mixed Reality can go well beyond current personal computing devices in assisting users to perform complicated tasks and in interacting and collaborating with autonomous robots.
- 10:00 GMT- 10:30 GMT
- Andrea Bravo
- Session 6
Hybrid Presentations with Data with AR
We live in an era of digitalization of processes and technological advances. This talk will introduce the topic of hybrid presentations with data for supporting project communication and negotiation processes. During the talk, I will present a use case with a company built with HoloLens for the presentation of financial data.
- 11:00 GMT- 12:00 GMT
- Antony Vitillo
- Session 6
The five senses of XR
Many people think that AR and VR are simply made by glasses that you put on your face to see a digital reality. These people forget that we have five senses, and that augmented and virtual reality actually regards the spectrum of all our five senses, that are equally important. Discover the products, the experiments and the results of implementing taste, smell, touch and superpowers like mind control in immersive worlds. You will be surprised of the mindblowing things that the research community is creating!
- 11:00 GMT- 12:00 GMT
- Dragan Stiglic
- Session 6
On the road to 3-D Depth Illusion with no glasses
Can we ever trick the human brain to believe it’s in another reality?
With background in computer sciences, applied physics (light & optics), and directing for film & multimedia, I’ve spent 4 decades in digital creation, producing & directing hundreds and hundreds of projects, doing and trying many things.After inventing the seed concept of the first Virtual Production Technologies (1993) and then pioneering Real-time production for TV and 3D previs for films, I was invited by investors of Human Eyes Ltd. to lead the research into possibility of expanding company’s technological experience in lenticular printing - into depth-sensation applications for film, games, and videos. .
Goal of my project was very ambitious: Create technological solution that will deliver strong sensation of depth - without the use of glasses, and… across any infrastructure. Maybe today it sounds less of a challenge, but back in 2007, there was none of supporting technologies available today. And that was good - since instead of focusing on technology – we focused all our attentions on the most important ‘’technology’’ available for experimentation: Human Visual Perception. .
Completely unconstrained, having no pre-loaded scientific beliefs, I started this project with completely fresh brain, starting though process from very scratch – asking myself (and my team) a fundamental question: “How do we really see our real-world?’’ .
In this presentation I finally have opportunity to share some totally unusual way of looking at human vision, and create provocative overview and criticism of explanations, solutions, and directions - that XR technology is following until now. .
With my team’s shoestring budget, complete lack of any hardware technologies available – our only road was to innovate – and try to develop new scientific methods as well as software and visual tools to start the exploration journey. .
If you join this presentation, you’ll cross-disciplinary overview of science and technologies - from optics, physics of light, biology, to display systems – and hear some provocative questions about underlying science of current stereoscopic technology. .
my intention is to propose new potential directions for future research, and provide alternative views to the problem of Extended and Virtual Realities. .
This incredible story starts with completely unknown research of Nikola Tesla, and connects the dots from Leonardo Da Vinci to NASA, involving some great people in lenticular technology, experts in stereoscopic 3-D, and few Quantum Physics scientist that want to remain anonymous. .
Via incredible ways that universe works - the first demos of our team– made its way to Steve Jobs… and…well, wouldn’t you love to hear what happened next? : )