• +41787748439
  • contact@ssvar.ch
  • Geneva, Switzerland
Pr Daniela Romano

Pr Daniela Romano

Daniela has received her PhD on supporting naturalistic decisions making with an intelligent serious game in 2002 at Leeds University, Lecturer in Computer Science (2004) & Senior Lecturer (2010) & Virtual Reality Theme Leader at Sheffield. Professor in Computing (2015) & Head of Innovative Research and Enterprise, Manager Virtual Reality at Edge Hill, Senior Teaching Fellow at UCLIC in 2017, Senior Teaching Fellow at UCL Information Studies in 2019.

She is interested in interaction & perception of virtual environments, advanced interfaces (BCI, Bio-affective), human – cognitive agent interaction, simulation and prediction of behaviour with large-scale multi-agent systems, telemedicine, gamification and serious games.

Skilled in 3D Graphics, E-Learning, Computer Science, Cognitive Science and Learning , Artificial Intelligence, game development.

Artificial Intelligence and Human computer Interactions

Day 2 – session 5 – October 29th

Topic :