Saverio Romeo
Experienced analyst and consultant in the areas of IoT, emerging digital technologies and their impacts on enterprises and sectors. That experience is also delivered through university modules for postgraduates and undergraduates contributing to the formation of skills for the era of digital transformation.
Founder of Emerging Technology Obervatory
– Running research projects and advising roles in the area of the emerging technologies (IoT, AI, blockchain, 5G) and their impacts on digital transformation strategies in fields such as smart city, agriculture and rural areas, retail, water systems, and environmental monitoring.
– Completed projects for organisations such as Club Demeter, Augmented Reality Enterprise Alliance (AREA), VAA, CSIL Milano, Technopolis Group, STL Partners. Examples of projects successfully completed:
– Smart City Governance Models and the Role of Telco (Report published on behalf of STL Partners)
– The applications of 5G in agriculture (Workshop and report completed on behalf of Club Demeter)
– Lead Expert EU Digital Cities Challenge – Smart City Strategy for the city of L’Aquila (Report published on behalf of the European Commission)
– The Convergence of IoT-AI-AR and its implications for enterprises (Report published on behalf of AREA)
– The Role of AI in the IoT (Report published on behalf of a consultancy company)
Business and marketing
Day 2 – Session 4 – October 29th
Covid-19 and technology convergence – The role of immersive realities