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#DIMENSIONSXR2020 : Certificate of attendance

#DIMENSIONSXR2020 : Certificate of attendance

#dimensionsxr2020 : The high quality of our speakers added to the value of the subjects make our event very valuable for the attendees!

It’s online but it’s a real scientific congress!

Each talk has 1 full hour of duration (45 minutes of presentation and 15 min of Q&A).

You can ask your questions before and during the Q&A session.

The subject are for the general public but also tailored for advanced professionals!

Everyone will learn something new!

It’s like 3 days of masterclasses!

Check the programme to better understand!

That’s why we are delivering a “Certificate of attendance” for your resume, but also for your university or company to ask for the payment of the congress fees which are very affordable compared to some other conferences.

Many of our speakers are top professors, assistant professors, doctors and are from high ranked universities and industries.

They have been chosen because of the number of their publications on Researchgate.

*10% have their Wikipedia’s page.

*30% are TEDX speakers.

*And 4 of them are real #XR pioneers.

At SSVAR, we’re not an event agency.

We are sincerely promoting XR tech across the world!

That’s why we are trying to give to you the best knowledge!