Dennis J Solomon
Founder & Trustee at HOLODECK®
- Cambridge, Massachusetts
At HOLODECK®, iHOLODECK®, AR4E & BIORGX we combine and innovate state-of-the technologies and content in XR/MR/AR/VR Realities, biomedicine, optics, computers and vision, with noted successes ranging from Accessible XR/AR/VR, Regenerative Human Body Components to the AV technologies at three Olympics, the Super Bowl and tours including U2 and Taylor Swift.
Privileged to part of the early holographers and vision scientists in Cambridge in the 1970s, sailed our vessel STARSHIP through a hurricane in 1975 and taken into the world of the Future by fellow West-Ender and family Leonard Nimoy who visit our Holodeck lab at MIT in 1979.
We have been successfully in developing non-invasive methodologies for the rapid assessment of epigenetic dynamics during stem cell transformation. These techniques enable the accelerated testing of prospective pharmaceuticals and other treatments, as well as enhanced regeneration of cells, neurons, organs and limbs. Applications include visual studies and regenerative vision.
We have also spin-out an Augmented/Virtual Reality enterprise including patented/pending headsets and Apps for science, education, industry, safety, government and entertainment under the iHolodeck/AR4E trademark. Under our HOLODECK® trademark, we are quietly creating the foundation technology for future AR/VR/XR/MR Experiences.