Guillaume Poirier
Mental health research and development strategist with > 17 years of neuroscience experience. Ability to analyze scientific literature and leverage multi-disciplinary neuroscience experience from cells to behavior to identify new translational opportunities, drive clinical improvements, harness new technologies, and ultimately identify actionable approaches to translate ideas into testable interventions across a breadth of medical conditions. Strong communication and cross-functional collaborative abilities, in international settings, coupled with leadership skills to translate concepts to non-technical and executive audiences and influence across a broad group of stakeholders.
Cognitive training. Translating cognitivea and neuroscience insights into product design, development, and testing, for the improvement of behavioral symptoms and disease burden.
Expertise in cognition, emotion, psychiatric diseases, and biomarkers (e.g. neural substrates of learning and memory, anxiety, depression, sociability, aggression, stress, HPA axis, substance use, Alzheimer’s Disease, inflammation and the brain).
Design, implementation, and management of research studies.
Evaluation and analysis for Research & Development.
Actionable study insights from refined analysis. Advanced statistics experience (cluster, factor and discriminant analysis; structural equation modeling), application of multifactorial statistics to help identify causal relations and reduce the dimensionality of complex relationships between biological and behavioral (social, and psychological) measures.
Experimental cognitive training studies • Biomarkers • Non-invasive, magnetic resonance imaging • Magnetic resonance spectroscopy • Neurochemistry • Network connectivity • Advanced statistics • Individual vulnerability and resilience to develop neuro-/psychopathology