Medicine and Healthcare
- 08:30 GMT - 08:45 GMT
- Professor Ahmed Shafi
- Session 1
- 08:45 GMT - 09:15 GMT
- Dr. Asmâa Hidki
- Session 1
Virtual Care: The New Now Normal
The demand for and provision of virtual care services connecting with a
healthcare provider by email, phone or video call has reached a tipping point in the context of COVID-19 pandemic because Telehealth- virtual care was viewed as an effective means to minimise in person visitation and reduce the spread of the virus.
Many Countries changed their perspectives on using the Telehealth in the context of COVID-19 as a powerful tool to handle swiftly the current infection. Telehealth in practice was not just a novel approach to care but a necessary one for public health safety.
Virtual health care is defined as any form of health care delivered without the patient and the clinician being present in the same physical space. Using virtual Telehealth care as a powerful digital communication applications to empower delivered care regardless of space and time.
Broadly, this includes :
eVisits: electronic visits between the clinician and the patient using electronic health record;
vVisits: video visits between the clinician and the patient conducted securely through an integrated video platform;
eConsults: electronic consults between the clinician and a sub-specialist- clinician for specialty care consultations. In Pre-COVID-19, for many patients worldwide, the care was being delivered in-person.
In April-2020, as social distancing became increasingly paramount we witnessed globally the drastically reduction of any form of medical visits because almost all the care visits are now being conducted virtually.
To exemplify, in Canada (my hometown), Virtual care is “Real care”: The most recent National poll released by the Canadian Medical Association CMA (www.cma.ca/virtualcare) in May 2020 shows Canadians are overwhelmingly satisfied with virtual health care and are embracing virtual care options and would like to see them not only continued after
the COVID-19 crisis subsides but improved and expanded in the future.
Physical distancing measures designed to keep Canadians safe during the
fight against COVID-19 have led to the adoption of virtual care out of necessity.
The government swiftly mandated, Infoway to reallocate existing funds to create a Rapid Adoption of Virtual Care Fund (Canada Health Infoway 2020b) a pan- Canadian framework for virtual care for an effective rapid Virtual Response.
The global pandemic caused by the Covid-19 creates a historic challenge for numerous societies throughout the world. Virtual care has a great potential to transform from model implementations to a global supply structure to save millions of patients’ lives. However, medical staffing, technical management, and infrastructural limitations are impeding progress in this regard. In this topic we are addressing diverse audience from : academia in the fields of policy makers in Management, Digital Innovation, Healthcare management, Global health informatics, patients to assess the extent of the current implementation within different health care settings, user acceptance and perception, , and regulatory politics hurdles.
- 09:45 GMT - 10:45 GMT
- Dr. Sana Farid
- Session 1
XR in Healthcare: Unrivaled Program Implementation & Rollout Strategy
The Healthcare XR boom has invited several players to the market. As a result, sifting through the options available is quintessential. The usage of an approved system that bears standardized hardware and software is of utmost importance. It’s crucial to define the judging criteria to deem any particular XR system as acceptable or approved in a Healthcare facility, the talk describes the All-Important Match, the best practices for XR in clinical implementation, content development breakdown, delivery methods and its maintenance. The talk is highly enlightening to XR developers, XR enthusiasts in the Healthcare industry, as well as organizations aspiring to benefit from Immersive Tech.
- 10:45 GMT - 11:45 GMT
- Rafael J. Grossmann, MD
- Session 1
Back to the Future in Today’s Healthcare
Sharing Insights about the potential for the Smart Use of Technology to Augment how we Do and Teach Healthcare in the 21st century.
- 12:00 GMT - 13:00 GMT
- Dominik Fischer
- Session 1
XR Surgery – how XR technology can support surgical procedures
“Patient-specific 3D models and XR are continuously gaining importance for the preparation of surgical procedures. In this presentation I will demonstrate how to create virtual 3D models based on medical image data and how XR can be integrated into clinical workflows.
- 13:00 GMT - 14:00 GMT
- Lars Riedemann, MD
- Session 1
Integrating Medical XR into the clinic: Lessons learned from 76 Medical XR specialist
Shift Medical 2020 brought together pioneers in the field of medical XR from across the globe. The congress facilitated an open and structured knowledge exchange between healthcare providers, businesses, governments and the general public in order to increase medical XR adoption rates. Here are the lessons learned from 76 Medical XR specialists in respect to integrating Medical XR into the clinic.
- 16:00 GMT - 17:00 GMT
- Dr. Robert G. Louis
- Session 1
Brain Surgery to Behavioral Health, XR enables Precision Interventions.
Brain Surgery to Behavioral Health, XR enables Precision Interventions.
- 17:00 GMT - 18:00 GMT
- Spiegel, Brennan MD
- Session 1
How Virtual Therapeutics Will Revolutionize Medicine
Not so far from now, instead of prescribing another pill, doctors might recommend a beach vacation to ease aches and pains. Psychiatrists might treat social anxiety by inviting patients to a dinner party, or reminisce with Alzheimer patients in a replica of their childhood home.
Hospitals might immerse children in fantastical play lands while they receive chemotherapy or undergo frightening medical tests.
And doctors-in-training might learn how to operate in virtual simulations. It’s starting to happen right now because of virtual reality (VR) – the mind-bending technology that leverages our power to imagine when we need it the most. In this talk, we will explore how VR can modify our reality in ways that may be hard to accomplish in times of vulnerability and distress.
VR does this by radically changing our perspective of the world. We can imagine being somewhere fantastical and healing. We can practice being the person we want to become. We can see ourselves from beyond and regard ourselves in a new light. We can empathize with ourselves and with others. We can confront our inner voice. We can transform our minds drastically and immediately, and when effective, forge healthy cognitions that last long after the headsets are removed. We already have these abilities within us.
VR just makes it easier when times are hard.
- 18:00 GMT - 19:00 GMT
- Dr. Walter Greenleaf
- Session 1
Virtual Reality Technology, Machine Learning, Biosensing - Converging to Transform Healthcare
This presentation provides an overview of how the coming wave of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, Machine Learning and Biosensing Technology are converging and elaborates how this convergence will impact clinical care, disability solutions, and personal health and wellness.
Although entertainment, social connection, and gaming is driving the initial adoption of VR and AR technology, the deepest and most significant impact of the next generation of VR/AR technology will be to enhance clinical care and to improve personal health and wellness. VR and AR technology will also help facilitate the shift of medicine from clinic-based care to telemedicine-based care, and to facilitate personalized medicine.
We know from decades of clinical research that VR/AR technology can provide breakthrough solutions that address the most difficult problems in healthcare - ranging from mood disorders such as Anxiety and Depression to PTSD, Addictions, Autism, Cognitive Aging, Stroke Recovery, and Physical Rehabilitation, to name just a few.
VR and AR Systems can be used to improve medical training such as surgical skill training and procedure planning by applying simulation-based learning principals. Personal health and wellness will be improved by using VR to promote healthy lifestyles and to reduce stress and anxiety.
VR/AR technology, when combined with Machine Learning and Biosensing technology can be used to improve clinical measurements and assessments by making them more objective and functional. As the cost of healthcare rises, this confluence of emerging technology well be used as the foundation for next-generation telemedicine platforms to reduce costs of care delivery, improve clinical efficiency, and reach previously underserved populations.