Business and marketing
- 10:00 GMT - 11:00 GMT
- Saverio Romeo
- Session 4
Covid-19 and technology convergence - The role of immersive realities
The response to Covid-19 has required new forms of working and of business engagement. That has prompted an acceleration in adopting digital technologies for remote and on-line activities. Based on ongoing research on emerging digital technologies and the current emergency, the talk will discuss the move towards smart working, the role of emerging digital technologies in the EU Recovery and Reilience Facility for driving economic recovery and the role played by immersive realities
- 12:30 GMT- 13:00 GMT
- Jeremy Dalton
- Session 4
A Reality Check on VR adoption
Many have grown impatient with the length of time it has taken virtual reality to reach mainstream adoption. This is regularly used to argue the demise of VR. In this talk, I will present an extract from my upcoming book, Reality Check, which shines some light on this subject and reveals some insight into the adoption of VR vs other technologies throughout the ages.
- 16:00 GMT- 17:00 GMT
- InnovX and partners
- Session 4
How XR startups can be useful to scientific research and innovation in Europe
How XR startups can be useful to scientific research and innovation in Europe" Panel : "INNOVX & partners
- 17:00 GMT- 18:00 GMT
- Ori Inbar
- Session 4
Spatial New World: Envisioning the Impact of Spatial Computing on our lives in 2030
“Hey Ori, it’s me - your future-self from 2030.
Back in 2020, you are facing a devastating global pandemic - but don’t worry...it will pass. I am sending this message to encourage you and the AWE community to continue on your long and bumpy road to bringing -- what you used to call Augmented and Virtual Reality -- to the mainstream.
In fact, you are about to see an unprecedented acceleration of this technology. By now in 2030, everyone is using it as an essential part of their daily lives and can’t even recall a time when it wasn’t the case.
Almost nothing works without it.
Tell your audience they should be proud and to never never never give up!