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  • contact@ssvar.ch
  • Geneva, Switzerland

From Augmented Reality to Hive Minds, a Thirty Year Journey in Extended Reality

Dr. Louis Rosenberg has spent thirty years working in the fields augmented reality, virtual reality, and human-computer interaction, starting in 1990 when he began developing the Virtual Fixtures platform for the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). Virtual Fixtures was the first immersive AR system ever built, enabling spatially-registered sights, sounds, and touch (haptics) to be overlaid upon a user’s…

Yes, artificial intelligence exists, but it will not save the world !

The scientific reality of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is very different from the fantasies conveyed by a sci-fi marketing. As an example, the Covid19 pandemic has precisely highlighted the limits of “Deep Machine Learning” for decision making in crisis situations : like a colossus with feet of clay, this type of “AI” that specializes in reproducing the “big data” of the…