Hybrid Presentations with Data with AR

We live in an era of digitalization of processes and technological advances. This talk will introduce the topic of hybrid presentations with data for supporting project communication and negotiation processes. During the talk, I will present a use case with a company built with HoloLens for the presentation of financial data. Andrea Bravo

The five senses of XR

Many people think that AR and VR are simply made by glasses that you put on your face to see a digital reality. These people forget that we have five senses, and that augmented and virtual reality actually regards the spectrum of all our five senses, that are equally important. Discover the products, the experiments and the results of implementing…

#DIMENSIONSXR2020 : Certificate of attendance

#dimensionsxr2020 : The high quality of our speakers added to the value of the subjects make our event very valuable for the attendees! It’s online but it’s a real scientific congress! Each talk has 1 full hour of duration (45 minutes of presentation and 15 min of Q&A). You can ask your questions before and during the Q&A session. The subject…

Immersive Job Taste in VR for Young Job Seekers in Norway

In this ongoing project in collaboration with the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration, we explore how the use of Immersive Job Taste in Virtual Reality (VR) can motivate and inform young job seekers on their way to work. Immersive Job Taste is an interactive and engaging VR simulation with gaming elements that provides a ‘peek’ into different workplaces and professions….